
Showing posts from January, 2020

Printed Matter: EMBOSSING

      In the course we were encouraged to treat the book as a site for architectural exploration. We were challenged with questions such as “The Book of Art or The Art of Book?”. We were exposed to rare, experimental and unconventional books. We were also given freedom to explore and test our ideas, find things that inspire us and let this all built up into one final project; A Book      After having gathered enough skills and culture on books, we had to start developing our own ideas.  Starting off from my initial inspiration with textures and tactile sensations I took a set of pictures consisting of different architectural facades which in a way manage to stimulate our tactile senses.      The next step of my design was to try and translate those images into a three dimensional book. Considering how my intentions were on tactile stimulation, I decided to experiment with e...

HTS Essay: Don't run in the Corridor - A pleasurable journey through the Montessori school of Delft

“In that lostness, where our guides are reduced to signs, we submit to our past, recalling those other moments when our intentions were clear, and our positions suddenly murky. I am at school, it is September, and the nylon uniform with the green and purple badge (an icon of the School Tower, already vanished) haspassed from that symbol of pride and expectation (so excited!) to that of contest and consternation. I am be- fore the corridor again, not quite as in a film, in which the depth of the unknown  is shown through a shot of one point perspective (a tunnel of light) but more, as before a notice board of incomprehension.” 1 1. Beech, Nicholas. 2005. " The Corridor Of Our School; The Development Of A Practice Appropriate To The Study Of Everyday Space ". University College London. Collage on the different perspectives of the “Corridor”       It is through its systematic ambiguity 2  rather than its prevalence...