In this essay of Martin Heidegger we manage to get a real glimpse on the context of the time it was written in, as well as Heidegger's own philosophy of life and beliefs. Being one of the most authentic philosophers of the 20th century, Heidegger has pursued his writing on "Building, Dwelling, Thinking" during the wake of the shortage in housing systems after the WW2. As an existentialist himself, Martin Heidegger has devoted his philosophy to the study of being, relating it to the relationship between thinking, dwelling and building, which he believed had been severed by the modern world. He goes on through his writings trying to re-teach us the proper way of dwelling . The essay starts off with an explanation regarding the two-way relationship between building and dwelling. It is regarded that it is a simultaneous means-end interrelation where to build does not necessarily mean to dwell, whereas dwelling is necessarily linked to b...